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New Full Strength Blog!

Hello everyone!

Timothy Gilbert

Today marks the start of our new blog in the office and we welcome you to our first post/welcome article!

The purpose and goal of this blog is to be a useful resource where patients can quickly access information in a simple, straightforward manner. The Internet can be a great, but overwhelming tool. Therefore, we are going to try and stay focused, not get too distracted, and communicate the information we feel is most important for you, our patients. Another goal of ours is to engage with you. That means we would love to hear back from you about any topics that you would like to learn more about.

Whether your question pertains to specific injuries, nutrition, at home exercises, or any other topic related to your care, we will do our best to answer your questions and educate everyone to the best of our ability. We want this to be casual, but also relevant. Our hope is that the blog will allow for open conversation and serve as a platform for dif

So, there you have it. Please keep a lookout for another post coming out in the near future. We hope everyone has a great rest of their week and we look forward to hearing from each of you in the near future.


Dr. Gilbert

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